EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Are people who distribute communion during Mass as well as take it to the homes of the sick.
ALTAR SOCIETY: This organization prepares the sanctuary and sacristy for each mass. Members of this organization are also responsible for cleaning the altar on a regular basis. They clean the Altar linens, sacred vessels, vestments and everything that relates to the celebration of the Eucharist. They are responsible for decorating the altar as appropriate for holidays and other liturgical celebrations.
ALTAR SERVERS: These young men and women (grades 3-12) as well as adults assist Sunday Mass by serving on the Altar. They light the altar candles, hold the book for the priest to read from, ring the bells at the important times during the Mass, assist at communion, and in other ways help with the celebration of Mass.
LECTORS: Read the first two readings of the Mass.
USHERS & GREETERS: Ushers and greeters have the responsibility of greeting parishioners and visitors as they arrive at Sunday Mass, show them to their seats, take up collections at Mass, and generally assist the congregations.
SONG LEADERS: Are members of the congregation who announce hymns, teach new songs, and lead congregational singing.
MUSIC MINISTRY: This ministry consists of men, women and children who support the liturgy through music.
HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE: Welcome new members to the church and arrange the refreshments and coffee following Mass two Sundays per month.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS & LADIES AUXILARY: Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting the Church through Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism. The Ladies Auxiliary are women related to the Knights who support the K of C projects and also provide assistance to the community and Church with their own projects.
YOUNG AT HEART: This group organizes, plans and conducts social functions for the senior members of our parish.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: This committee assists with managing the financial issues of the parish including budgeting and fundraising.
MAINTENANCE (BUILDINGS & GROUNDS) COMMITTEE: This committee is responsible, along with the Pastor and the Pastoral Council, for the maintenance of buildings and grounds and planning for future growth.
PASTORAL PARISH COUNCIL: This group plans and guides the growth of the parish. It consists of lay people, the parish priests and parish religious. The lay membership is both elected by the parish and appointed by the pastor. Men and women who are willing to run for membership. They are an advisory council to the pastor in the operation of the church. Council members head up committees, such as the finance committee, the committee for the liturgy, and more. Lay people also serve on diocesan pastoral councils.
Volunteers for Parish Secretarial Projects or substitute for Parish Secretary:
BEREAVEMENT/GRIEF SUPPORT COMMITTEE: This committee provides support to families and individuals who have experienced a death of a loved one. This group also prepares for the bereaved family at the time of the funeral of the loved one.
This group provides support and friendship to the elderly, shut ins and homebound by visiting homes, nursing homes and hospitals.
ST. VINCENT de PAUL: This ministry has its mission to extend the helping hand of Christ and his church to the needy in the spirit of its founder. St. John runs a food pantry three days a week where people in the community can receive food and help.
SOCIAL JUSTICE: This committee spearheads education and social action on topics regarding capital punishment, abortion, peace, and justice, based on the study of Catholic Social Teaching.
BAPTISMAL PREPARATION: This ministry plans and conducts classes for Parents and Godparents in preparation of Baptism and the initiation of their child into the church community. It is the desire of our Church that all members are welcome into the Family of God in the most meaningful manner.
CCD/CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCRINE: CCD is a religious education program designed to provide faith formation for our children who attend public schools by teaching Sunday school religion classes.
MARRIAGE PREPARATION: This ministry consists of married couples who assist our parish priests in providing training to engaged couples regarding the sacrament of marriage.
OCIA: This ministry consists of men and women who dedicate time to the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) – (Those who wish to become Catholic or learn more about the Catholic faith) process in our parish. Individuals participate in the process in a variety of roles including the following:
Participation as a sponsor of a candidate
Participation as a lay teacher
Participation by individuals who set up the weekly programs and help with related activities
YOUTH MINISTRY: This ministry consists of persons committed to work with the parish youth director in providing opportunities for spiritual formation, community building, and awareness of social issue and social outings.